UDC 33.338.2
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2021.12.006


Anisimova S.V.
Assistant of the Department "Mathematics" Financial University (FA) under the Government of the Russian Federation


The activities of organizations in the field of gas distribution represent the final stage of supplying end consumers with gas in the domestic market and has a direct impact on the state of regional fuel and energy balances. The development of this business is impossible without the introduction of effective development and management strategies, which implies the need to improve the management mechanism. To solve the set tasks in gas distribution organizations, it is necessary to form a management mechanism that meets modern conditions, which requires the use of effective management tools and building a methodological base based on the principles of systemic balance. The article clarifies the definition of the control mechanism in gas distribution organizations, considering the concept of systemic balance and trends in the development of the gas industry. In addition, the author has identified the main stages in the development of the management mechanism in the gas distribution subindustry on the basis of the principles of systemic balance, which is designed to ensure the sustainable development of organizations in the long term.


Management mechanism
Gas distribution organization
Balanced scorecard (BSC)
Strategic planning
Balanced development