UDC 519.7: 62.506
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2022.01.001


Prokopchina S.V.
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


Within the framework of the Industry 4.0 concept, intensive development of the processes of intellectualization of sensor systems is envisaged.
Among the most important specific properties of real measuring processes in complex systems is, first of all, their implementation under conditions of considerable uncertainty. The uncertainty is caused by a priori incompleteness, inaccuracy, vagueness of information about a complex measuring object and its functioning environment, which does not allow to build an adequate model of the object before the measurement experiment, to identify and formalize the influencing factors of the external environment and to develop effective algorithms for the functioning of information and measurement systems.
The report proposes an approach to the intellectualization of measurement systems in conditions of uncertainty by creating intelligent sensor networks based on Bayesian intelligent technologies (BIT) and means of their implementation. Typical modules of such networks are considered, which are integrated sets of various sensors and intelligent measurement information processing systems. The results of the networks are comprehensive assessments of the state of complex objects and recommendations for providing of their sustainable functioning. An important part of such systems is the builtin means of a complete metrological justification of all received solutions. The systems have a hierarchical architecture, according to the levels of management of complex objects, which has the possibility of selfdevelopment based on newly received information. This is achieved thanks to models and scales with dynamic constraints on which all BIT algorithms are built. The report provides examples of the use of intelligent sensor networks for monitoring and control of power generation and water supply systems.


Intelligent measurements, Bayesian approach, Sensors network