UDC 519.816 BBK 22.18
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2022.01.004


Prokopchina S.V.
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Tchernikova E.S.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Culture of Innovation LLC, Moscow, Russia


An important place in modern methodologies and technologies of personnel management at the enterprise is occupied by the direction of innovative development, culture of innovation. For this direction, from the position of intellectualization of innovative processes and, in particular, motivation and involvement of personnel, nonquantitative indicators are characteristic, which, following the ISO series standards, should be measurable. This led to the use of Bayesian intelligent technologies, in particular Bayesian intelligent measurements, for the purpose of measuring indicators of the state of the company's personnel and their management. The aim of the work is to build a systematic methodological basis and means of creating a digital environment for the implementation of the principles of the culture of innovation based on fundamental and best practical psychological work by means of BIT and BII. The implementation of a number of methodological constructions based on individual modules of the Infoanalytic computer system is shown, which contributes to the digitalization of this activity, the dissemination of experience and knowledge for the training and continuous training of specialists, including remotely.


Human resources management, Bayesian intelligent measurements