UDC 004.896
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2022.02.001


Koryachko V.P.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department, RSREU, Ryazan, Russia
Sokolov V.G.
Postgraduate student, RSREU, Ryazan, Russia
Sergeev S.S.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, CEO «TECHNOACSK » Ltd., Кolomna, Russia


The article deals with the problem of searching for leaks from heat and water supply pipelines by receiving and processing acoustic emission signals arising from the outflow of liquid at the leak point. The aim of the work is to review existing solutions for acoustic monitoring, to determine the main characteristics of acoustic emission signals and to assess the possibility of their recognition during monitoring using artificial neural networks.


Acoustic emission method, Acoustic leak detector, Correlation leak detector, Acoustic monitoring, Spectral analysis, Correlation analysis, Artificial neural networks