UDC 004.8
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2022.03.006


Vybornova A.V.
3rd year bachelor’s degree, Faculty of Technological Management and Innovation St. Petersburg National Research University ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia
Sazhneva L.P.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovation St. Petersburg National Research University ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia


The article defines the main directions of effective positioning in the artificial intelligence market in Russia and abroad. The leading market participants are identified, both among corporations and among venture companies (startups). The main achievements of leading companies over the past five years are revealed. The leading role of countries engaged in commerce in the field of artificial intelligence of commerce is determined. The current state of the industry in the world and in Russia is analyzed, and hypotheses about the further development of artificial intelligence in Russia and foreign countries are put forward. It is proved that artificial intelligence is a promising industry, and the market for its commerce is rapidly expanding.


Artificial intelligence (AI), Artificial intelligence technologies (AI), Natural language processing, Computer vision, Data analysis, Artificial intelligence commerce market, Venture entrepreneurship, Startup, IT corporation, Machine learning