UDC 519.83
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2022.06.001


Zaitsev S.V.
Postgraduate student of the Department of "System Analysis in Economics", Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


Decision-making in conditions of uncertainty is an integral part of human activity. The complexity of decision-making depends on the possible results and the degree of their confidence. In some cases, a person can evaluate the result more accurately than the probability of making a decision. In such situations, we discuss how uncertain the solutions can be. It is often impossible to estimate the probability of a certain outcome, since the external conditions for decisionmaking are unknown. Uncertainty can be caused by a number of factors, including the economic situation in different countries, inflation, exchange rates, market conditions, political situation, weather, natural disasters, etc. In such cases, decision-making is associated with the probability of uncertainty. In this case, game theory and gametheoretic modeling can be an effective tool.


Decision-making, Economics, Optimization, Modeling, Game theory, Game-theoretic modeling