UDC 004
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2022.07-2.001


Svetlana V. Prokopchina
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


The article discusses the basic principles of the implementation of DATA SCIENCE technologies in the framework of scientific and practical aspects. It is noted that the functioning of DATA SCIENCE technologies is always implemented in conditions of uncertainty and diversity of data and knowledge.
It is shown that one of the basic principles of DATA SCIENCE technologies in conditions of uncertainty is the principle of regularization of data spaces and solutions. To regularize the unified information space of applied problems, regularization is proposed by means of multidimensional hierarchical scaling, which is provided by the use of special types of scales with dynamic constraints. The implementation of such scaling is based on Bayesian intelligent technologies.
It is also shown that data science is interdisciplinary, an important component of the set of disciplines is the metrology of data and knowledge. The methodology and technologies of metrological substantiation of data and knowledge are presented. Complexes of metrological characteristics are proposed, including indicators of accuracy, reliability, reliability, risk of decisions, the amount of information received and/or entropy.
Practical examples of the use of these technologies are given.


DATA SCIENCE, Regularization, Scaling, Metrology, Bayesian intelligent technologies