Lazarev V.L. Energy-efficient control of the states of uncertainty of parameter values in the working volumes of equipment. 5-16

Privalov A.А., Kolesov V.А. Mathematical model of the process of preparing a geoinformation monitoring system for predicting the development of a regional emergency of a natural nature. 17-29

Zhukov R.A., Grigoriev E.V., Plinskaya M.A., Zhelunitsina M.A. On the dynamics of mortality in the Tula region. 30-38

Rybko E.A., Voevodina E.I., Burykin A.D. Potential of using neural networks in the field of medicine. 39-45

Chirkina A.A., Sazhneva L.P. Digital technologies in customer experience management as a tool for increasing customer loyalty. 46-52

Shchetinin E.Yu. On the classification of students' confusion during the online education process using machine learning methods. 53-64