UDC 004.94
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2022.11.004


Leonid S. Zvyagin
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of System Analysis in Economics, Financial University under the Government of Russia, Moscow, Russia


States interact closely with each other and the economies of each of them depend on various factors affecting them. The modern world cannot be imagined without the interaction of the economies of different countries. The XXI century can be safely called the heyday of globalization. Every day there is an exchange of goods, services, experience and information. The politics of one country somehow affects the politics of another country. Therefore, problems arising in the modern world within one country find their influence on other countries interacting with it. Minimizing risks and predicting the outcome of any crisis or conflict solves many problems and allows you to prevent new problems arising from them.


Mathematical modeling, Global processes and systems, Forecasting, Data dynamics