UDC 681.3
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2022.12.001


Emil A. Kotlyar
Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, General Director of INEKIT Ltd
Svetlana V. Prokopchina
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


Digitalization and intellectualization of housing and communal services is one of the most important and complex tasks of the development of the modern regional economy. The difficult operating conditions of housing and communal services complexes, the lack of the necessary information base, uncertainty, incompleteness, unstructured information form increased requirements for the information systems being created and the methodology of their development. The article offers an example of the implementation of an intelligent software package for monitoring and supporting management decisionmaking for hot water systems (DHW). Based on the RBP methodology, a working sample of the complex for a section of the DHW network has been developed. The unique properties of the intellectual complex are the possibilities of integrating different types of information, intellectual processing of numerical and linguistic information in conditions of considerable uncertainty, metrological justification of the solutions obtained, implementation of the principles of traceability, transparency, explainability of solutions. The complex can be used for training specialists of the DHW system. It can also serve as an example for the development of intelligent monitoring and control systems for complex distributed energy networks, oil and gas pipelines.


Intelligent data processing, Measurements, Bayesian approach