UDC 681.3
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2022.12.005


Veronika L. Zaslavskaya
Candidate of Technical Sciences, a deputy Chairman of the "Artifial Intelligence" Committee of "RUSSOFT" Association, CEO Officeverse LLC, COO Zello Russia
Roman K. Zaslavsky
Deputy Director Officeverse LLC
Svetlana V. Prokopchina
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


The article is devoted to solving the urgent problem of creating intelligent big data processing systems for small businesses. The specificity of information flows of small businesses, in particular in the service sector, is shown.The main tasks of increasing the efficiency of small businesses based on digitalization are identified. The methodology of the regularizing Bayesian approach (RBP), Bayesian intelligent measurement technologies (BII) and a digital platform for managing small businesses and creating monitoring and decision support systems are proposed. Based on this platform of the RBP methodology, a working sample of a complex for service enterprises – fitness centers has been developed. The unique properties of an intelligent complex are the possibilities of integrating different types of information, intelligent processing of large data streams in the form of numerical and linguistic information under conditions of considerable uncertainty In the software package for the service sector, various situations can be simulated when working with clients, as well as digital images of clients can be created to personalize work with each of them for the organization of effective and profitable work of small business companies.


Artificial intelligence, Neural networks