UDC 614.841.48
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2023.01.008


Yuri N. Tilichko,
Senior Researcher, A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Alexander V. Spesivtsev,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation, SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg FITs RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Vasiliy A. Spesivtsev,
Junior Researcher, Federal Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Security is always relevant, especially for particularly important objects. However at present the tasks of quantitative assessment of complex safety are solved, as a rule, locally for each object due to the absence of generalized methodology. At all fundamentality of statement of tasks of estimation of complex safety of especially important objects in regulating documents they have mainly declarative character. In this study we made an attempt to synthesize a mathematical model of quantitative assessment of integrated security of critical facilities on the basis of fuzzypossibility approach (FPL), using the knowledge and experience of experts. In this case, the methodology of FEA provides the representation of expert knowledge by fuzzy linguistic variables in a multidimensional factor space, followed by their formalization by a fuzzypossibility model.


Integrated safety, Fuzzy-possibility approach, Factor space linguistic variable, Modelling, Expert knowledge, Explicit and implicit knowledge