UDC 303.732.4; 330.46
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2023.02.001


Alla A. Nikonova,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


The root causes of the gap between knowledge creation and innovation in Russia are qualified as the result of an imbalance in the exchange of resources between sectors in the innovation chain. This hypothesis, based on the systemic economic paradigm, is tested by assessing the input and output variables in sector productivity. The inconsistency and incompleteness of the data determine the use of soft measurements. Results: no actor, especially researchers and society, receives sufficient resources to adequately perform their functions. To overcome the gaps, a systematic approach within a humancentered model is required.


System, Economy, Society, State, Business, Researchers, Knowledge, People, Innovation