UDC 378.1
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2023.06.011


Ivan N. Drogobytskiy,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of "System Analysis in Economics", Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


The main functionality of modern higher education is reduced to educational and scientific activities. Moreover, the latter is more aimed at improving the scientific and methodological level of teaching educational disciplines than at providing scientific and consulting services to external economic agents. The article builds an original model of the internal dynamics of a modern university as a typical element of a national higher school, eloquently reflecting the noted functions of its activities, on the basis of which forecast estimates of its state for the foreseeable future are made. Based on the results of a systematic study, it was concluded that the national higher school is in a state of bifurcation. At the very beginning of market reforms, wanting to immediately integrate into the world educational space, it was taken out of the highly productive stable state achieved in the Soviet period, and has not yet been brought anywhere. As the analysis showed, both archetypes (feedback loops) that make up the model are reinforcing in nature and cannot provide a controlled drift of the system to the desired state. The article developed recommendations, the implementation of which will allow to systematize (restore consistency) the national higher school in a new highly productive state in the near future, and ensure its further development in accordance with the requirements of the current moment.


Internal dynamics, System, Feedback, System archetype, Causeandeffect model, Higher education, External control, Knowledge, Target program