UDC 005.53
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2023.07-2.003


Ivan N. Drogobytskiy,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the System Analysis in Economics Department of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


Appearance of controlling caused some chaos in managerial society. Some of them expected it as a specific kind of control which covers particular types of activities. The others expected it as new fashionable stream of management which doesn’t change anything in gist. And the thirds associate it with hard control which’s aim is to restore the total administrating at modern stage of the economic development. There are many those who still doesn’t have any knowledge about this stream and keep distance from it both in theoretic analyze and practical using. In the present article there is attempt to investigate the phenomena of controlling from the point of modern systems theory. And on this base, we try to paste it organically to the present system of managerial science. As a result, we come to opinion, that controlling is a specific addition on the top of the present managerial system. This addition has aim to conserve high level of resultativeness and effectiveness in organizational management of an investigated economic object during all the period of its life cycle.


Company, Management, Subsystem of management, Control of management, Subsystem of controlling