UDC 338.27
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2023.09.009


Lyubov P. Sazhneva,
Candidate of Science (Economics), Associate Professor, St. Petersburg National Research University ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia
Ruslan I. Mamedguliev,
Master of Business Informatics, St. Petersburg National Research University ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia


This article discusses the use of virtual metaverses for the development of corporate culture in organizations. The authors gave a classification of metaverses for different types of market and presented an overview of the achievements of companies in the use of metaverses in business.
The scientific work contains an overview of the research of Russian and foreign researchers, statistical data of analytical reports on the development of the trend of remote employment in companies, on the issue of the interest of the corporate community in the metaverse. With the help of business analysis tools (XNUMX questions about Matthew O'Connor's innovations and a tree of critical quality parameters), an assessment of the potential of introducing metaverses into the corporate culture of organizations of various profiles was prepared.


Virtual reality, Innovative development, Corporate culture, Metaverses, Digital transformation