Lukyanov P.B. Development of a toolkit for assessment and measurement of losses associated with feeding imbalance of farm animals. 5-14

Babeshko L.O. Formal tests for choosing a model specification. 15-23

Petrosov D.A. Development of an approach to creating simulation models of data flows based on the DFD methodology using Petri net theory. 24-32

Zaslavskaya V.L., Prokopchina S.V., Chernikova E.S. Measurement of employee motivation in small business personnel management based on Bayesian intelligent technologies. 33-50

Nedosekin A.O., Abdoulaeva Z.I., Murashev D.E. Fuzzy identification of parameters of an epidemiological model with three cohorts. 51-57

Frolov A.V., Kongurov A.V., Voevodina E.I., Kvasha V.A., Larionov V.D. Intelligent systems in autonomous navigation. 58-74

Peleshenko V.A. Application of artificial intelligence elements for modeling hydrodynamic parameters of trawl spacer boards. 75-85

Zvyagin L.S. Development issues and new trends of decision support systems as a tool for applied IT solutions. 86-100

Malyukov Y.A., Nedosekin А.О. Analysis of entrepreneurial ability using fuzzy-logical methods. 101-114

Shagina J.O. Economic and social aspects of alcohol use in the russian society. 115-124