UDC 004.95: 005
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2023.11.008


Leonid S. Zvyagin,
PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of «System Analysis in Economics», Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


The new digital age dictates its own rules of the game, new trends are emerging in the IT industry, the volume of processed data is constantly increasing. When making decisions, decision makers increasingly have to take into account more and more extensive areas, as a result of which the classical analysis of data in the form of graphs, diagrams, tables becomes less and less informative. The introduction of the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, distributed databases, augmented reality, and quantum computing into decision support systems is already a matter of business survival in a rapidly changing world. Decision makers need to use all available tools, starting from cloud computing and ending with the introduction of the latest DSS. Decision support systems in their classical sense are being transformed into new global platforms with much broader capabilities and covering a very wide range of both data sources and analysis options. DSS installed locally on personal computers today can only be used by small businesses with a simplified management structure, but subject to the successful development of a particular company, these local systems stop working properly and cover the incoming volume of data, which makes it difficult for top management to make the right decisions.


Decision support systems, Modeling, Information technology, IT solutions