Barskov V.V., Dubolazova Yu.A., Maykova A.A., Konnikov E.A. Modeling the probability of companies bankruptcy in the construction industry. 5-15

Shcherbakov G.A. Harvard economic barometer (foreign experience of applying the barometric method in economic and mathematical modeling). 16-23

Shcherbakov G.A. Indicative component of product cost in the construction of small-size forecast economic and mathematical models. 24-30

Zvyagin L.S. Fuzzy set theory as a tool for modern applied solutions. 31-45

Apal’kova T.G., Levchenko K.G., Shevchenko I.A. The technology of building a risk matrix in R. 46-54

Uvarova V.A., Bugaeva T.M., Konnikov E.A. Comparative analysis of the properties of price distributions of market energy assets by means of simulation modeling. 55-71

Kvasha V.A., Voevodina E.I., Kuznetsova S.O., Kolobaev M.E., Mikhailova D.O. Problems and potential of using artificial intelligence in crop production at different stages. 72-80

Kolesov R.V., Yurchenko A.V., Zakharova S.A., Manaeva E.A., Kharinova A.A. Methodology for ranking Russian regions based on the results of achieving national development goals. 81-87