UDC 330.4.1
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2024.02.003


Gennady A. Shcherbakov,
Doctor of Economics, Financial University under the Government of Russia


The development of new methods for building smallsize systems for forecasting changes in the economic environment is a promising task. At the same time, it is necessary to use the existing experience and develop the methods of economic foresight, which in their time proved predictive power.
This article considers one of the aspects of the method of leading factors, namely, the use of the price of the material used in the production of most final products as an indicator of future changes in demand. The article contains a review of the main approaches proposed in this direction, as well as an analysis of their applicability to the modern period.


Economic conjuncture, Leading factors method, Economic forecasting, Economic and mathematical modeling