UDC 338.27
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2024.03.003


Angela B. Mottaeva,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Irina A. Smirnova,
Student, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Evgeny A. Konnikov,
Candidate of Sciences (Economic), Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Elena E. Sharafanova,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia


Within the scope of the research, the model is being developed to assess the economic effect of transregional industrial coherence at the current level of transport infrastructure development. The study constitutes a part of the analytical modeling of the cycle for increasing the level of sustainable development in regions, the enterprises of which are included in the target transregional industrial cluster. The resulting parameter of influence is the real impulse, integrally expressed by intermediate impulse flows, formed by subject-generators and reinforced by subject-catalysts in the environment. The general conceptual basis for modeling is the effect of incrementing the subject connections of the industrial cluster in the content of the array of influence factor vectors of the cluster – transregional industrial coherence, which is determined by the synergy of environmental characteristics and is manifested by the access of system impulses and their generators in such a way that the significance of the impulse for the environment may greatly exceed the significance of the generator; however, the reduction in the weight of generator parameters entails a value equalization of the impulse. This stage of modeling directly shapes the assessment of transregional industrial coherence through the application of the tools and logic of fuzzy-set modeling.


Transregional industrial coherence, Fuzzy logic, Sustainable development, Industrial complex, Economic efficiency, Transportation infrastructure