UDC 338.001.36; 378.4


Bychkova S. M., Timoshenko S. A.


A comprehensive author's study of the current state of training accountants and economists for agriculture, as well as a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign models of the competency-based approach to the preparation of these specialists, were carried out. The methods of system analysis, comparative and SWOT analysis were used. Empirical data on the training of economists and accountants for agriculture in specialized universities are used. The analysis of the current state of agricultural universities in Russia, the domestic and foreign experience of developing competencies for non-core specialists of agricultural universities - accountants and economists. The need for the preservation of agricultural universities as separate structural units has been confirmed. Also, suggestions were made to improve the competency-based approach and the training of specialists in accounting and economics in the country's agricultural universities


agricultural university, accountant, economist, agriculture, professional competence.