UDC 336


Suppes K. V.,
Master student of the Department of Accounting and Finance, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk
Danilov I. A.,
associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Finance, PhD in Economics, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk


The article presents relevant issues of defining concepts and the essence of budgeting. Budgeting is a tool, part of financial management, the functions of which consisted of coordinated activities. Data should include planned and reporting (actual) data. The organization can maximize profits and optimize costs, which determines the relevance of the master's thesis. The article highlights approaches to determining the budget of such famous scientists and economists as: I. T. Balabanov, A. P. Vitkalova, V. B. Ivashkevich, O. D. Kaverina, A. E. Karpov, Yu. I. Popova, E. S. Stoyanova, V. E. Khrutsky, V.E. Chernyshev, A.D. Sheremet et al. Scientific research abroad Siegel, J. Brigham, D. Shim, C. Dupuy et al. Problems of building a budgeting system in enterprises of modern Russia are devoted to the works of the following authors: T.R. Vysotsky, T. A. Koltsovoi, D. A. Konstantinova, A. D. Silkova et al. Never-theless, despite the large number of scientific papers and significant research results, such questions are needed for a deeper study. These provisions together determine the choice of a research task.


budget, budgeting, financial planning.