UDC 504.75


Kartushina A. D.,
student of the Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow


This article highlights a phenomenon that has become an actual trend in the modern media environment-environmental PR. Environmental PR is a social practice that aims to draw public attention to significant environ-mental issues. Environmental PR is an important element of sustainable devel-opment of society. In this article, we analyzed several public annual reports on Apple's environmental policy. We have identified the advantages of such environmental PR and a policy of openness in environmental matters. Apple is known not only for its popular electronic devices like the iPhone and MacBook, but also for its environmental responsibility caused by its production and use. Her regular reports on initiatives related to environmental protection and con-servation of natural resources are a rare and very pleasant example in the world of information technology and large business in general.Using the example of Apple Corporation, we considered the features of conducting ecopiar in diachrony by a large IT-company.


environmental PR, green PR, PR technologies, public relations, target audience, social responsibility, environmental policy, Apple.