UDC 338


Malchinova A. E.,
student of the Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow


The article covers a parallel between the economic growth and the living standards of modern China. The quality of population’s life is seen as a component of successful Chinese economic growth. The article provides a de-scription of the measures taken by the Chinese government since 1978 and until present to raise the living standards. The « living standards » were defined, and indicators to measure the living standards were examined as well. The relation-ship between the economic growth and the living standards were identified and justified on the example of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms which had made an impact on the Chinese population’s quality of life.


standards of life, the quality of life, the economic growth, con-ditions of life, Angler’s index, the Chinese economic reform, Consumer Confi-dence Index, average life expectancy.