UDC 65.015


Bachurinskaya I. N.,
candidate of economic sciences, аssociate professor at the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Auditing, Vyatka State University
Filipchuk S. V.,
Vyatka State University
Meteleva A. A.,
Vyatka State University


This article discusses accounting programs that are used by en-terprises of different industries of the Kirov region to automate accounting and submit reports to regulatory authorities. Based on the analysis of a survey of organizations of various sizes, the most popular software products were identi-fied, the list of which can be used by independent accountants to advise heads of organizations on accounting automation, as well as to determine the need for advanced training in order to remain competitive in the market in the context of large-scale automation of accounting processes.


accounting software, software products, automation, account-ing, reporting, educational process, analysis, survey, software relevance.