UDC 621.039


Zinovieva P. A.,
Moscow State Institute of International Relations


The article is mainly focused on the role of Germany in resolving the situation around the Iranian nuclear program, which has become particularly acute after the US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in 2018. The unresolved issue of Iran's nuclear program has serious consequences: the proliferation of nuclear weapons among middle Eastern countries and the threat to the security of Europe. The Iranian vector is part of Germany's foreign policy priorities in the Middle East. Germany, which seeks to be an active medi-ator in the current tense situation, is aimed at peaceful interaction with the Ira-nian government, by complying with the agreements reached earlier. Germany, guided by the stabilization of the "balance of power" in the region, supports compliance with the JCPOA and is against the imposition of crippling economic sanctions that aggravate the situation.


Middle East, Iran, Iran’s nuclear program, Germany, security, nuclear weapon, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.