UDC 330.332


Tsakoev A. E.,
Student of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Master's program in the field of “Taxes and Tax Consulting”, The North Ossetian state university named after K. L. Khetagurov


Investment development of regions in the conditions of modern Russian reality is one of the main directions of economic growth, in connection with which the problems of the formation and implementation of the investment process in regional economic systems are relevant. Investments are of funda-mental importance for the development of the regional economy, as they have both a direct and strategic impact on socio-economic indicators. The general well-being and quality of life of the population depends primarily on the degree of development of investment activity, since investments are involved in almost all sectors of the economy and human life in general. activity. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of investment in the de-velopment of the regional economy. The author defines the theoretical aspects of investment and investment activity, studies the economic essence of invest-ment and its classification, as well as the impact and role of investment in the development of the national economy. The relevance of the topic is that the investment development of the regions in modern conditions is one of the main directions of economic growth


Investment, investment activity, regional economy, investment development, national economy.