UDC 351.71


Alchinova F. Yu.,
graduate of the Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis Financial University, Moscow, Russia
Scientific supervisor:
Melnik M. V.,
doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Audit Department and Corporate Reporting of the Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis, Financial University, Moscow, Russia


The article deals with the peculiarities of legal regulation related to the management of the Russian Federation property located abroad. The article reveals the specifics of the structure of Russia’s foreign real estate, the features of its registration and maintenance. The article highlights topical issues necessary for the improvement of the existing system of managing the Russian Federation property abroad, as well as the need to improve the efficiency of the use of this property. The specifics of managing foreign property are determined, among other things, by the necessity to take into account both the norms of domestic law and the requirements of the legislation of the country where the real estate is located. The actuality of the issues of foreign property management is determined by its specifics and the importance that foreign real estate objects have in terms of their cultural and historical significance and prestige for the state, which is the owner of this type of property.


real estate, foreign property, objects of cultural heritage, register of federal property, management of federal property, efficiency of use, inventory of property.