UDC 336.1


Aksenov I. A.,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (VUI FSIN), Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov
Savelyev I. I.,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (VUI of the Federal Penitentiary Service)


The article examines and identifies the prerequisites for changing the traditional concept of public finance management. The features of the formation and reforming of the budgetary process of the Russian Federation are reflected. The role of budgetary focus on results is reflected. The analysis of already imple-mented measures of the new concept of public finance management is carried out. Proposals are being drawn up to change the concept of public finance management.


finance, budgeting, planning, public administration.