UDC 101.1


Lukyanova A. S.,
student of the faculty of global studies, Lomonosov Moscow state University, Moscow, Russia


In XNUMXth-century Marxist politics and social sciences, the concept of the Asian mode of production was at the center of debates and disagreements about how to apply the idea of the mode of production to non-Western societies. Marxist theorists also turned to this mode of production relations as an argument in favor of various revolutionary strategies in societies under colonial and imperialist domination. This topic is of great scientific interest due to the fact that the role of the cultural factor has become increasingly taken into account when analyzing certain actions of states in the socio-economic and political spheres of activity.


Asian mode of production, mode of production, capitalism, Asian society, eastern despotism, private property, communal property, Asian stagnation, agricultural community, class society.