UDC 330.33


Suvorova E. Y.
Student of the faculty of global studies, Lomonosov Moscow state University, Moscow, Russia


In the modern world, of which global processes, including economic ones, have become an integral part, the theory of Kondratieff waves has a special place. The purpose of this publication is to identify the correlation between the 2008 crisis in Russia and the economic cycles of Kondratieff. This topic is of great scientific interest due to the fact that the market situation has become more susceptible to cyclicality? and the economic crisis of one country can easily gain a global character. A striking example of this is the 2008 global financial crisis, which began in the United States, but quickly spread all around the world.


Kondratieff waves, N. D. Kondratieff, cycles in the economics, the 2008 global financial crisis, place of Russia in the world economy,financial statistics, GDP, unemployment.