UDC 004.9: 35


Chkhutiashvili L. V.
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Professor of the Department of Management and Economics Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Legal University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSUA)»


every day our society is becoming more complex, acquiring previously unseen features. Today, there are several trends in its development - informatization is one of them. E-government plays a huge role for society. It contributes to the integration of Russia with information technology, which in the future may play a decisive role for the development of the Russian state. Every day it becomes more functional, more convenient, more practical. Of course, there are problems related to the implementation of its activities, but they are promptly resolved. One thing is for sure – the course of development is set correctly.


state program, informatization, mechanism of interaction between people and authorities, e-government.