UDC 330.324.24


Suvorova E. Y.
Student of the faculty of global studies, Lomonosov Moscow state University, Moscow, Russia


In the modern world in terms of cyclic recurrence and instability of economy the technological development, the transition to the new sixth technological style, structural innovation policy take on special significance for all countries. The purpose of this article is to identify the correlation between innovations and the sixth technological style on the example of economies of Russia and Great Britain. This topic is of great scientific interest due to the fact that Russia and Great Britain are the countries with different national innovation systems. By comparing the implementation of innovations in these countries we can define how innovation policy influences the transition to the new technological style and countries’ place in the modern techno-innovation system.


Kondratieff waves, cycles in the economics, technological style, innovations, innovation policy of Russia, innovation policy of Great Britain, Global Innivation index.