UDC 331.1


Basieva L.V.
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Accounting and taxation, North Ossetian State University named after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov 362025, Russia, Vladikavkaz
Galabueva I. L.
student of the Faculty of Economics and Management North Ossetian State University named after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov 362025, Russia, Vladikavkaz


The development of any organization is impossible without the use of labor. Labor resources are the part of the able-bodied population that has the necessary abilities to engage in labor activity. In each organization, these are specific people engaged in labor activities in accordance with an employment contract. The effectiveness of human resource management of an organization directly affects its competitiveness and is one of the most important prerequisites for creating organizational advantages.
The analysis of labor resources is an essential element of the management mechanism in the organization. The purpose of the analysis of the use of labor resources is to find opportunities to increase production, improve labor efficiency through the most efficient use of labor resources, working hours, and growth in labor productivity. The results of the organization’s activities depend on the degree of use of labor resources. Conducting this analysis is of incredible importance for improving the efficiency of organization management, labor productivity, and the full use of working time.


personnel, labor resources, staffing, analysis of labor resources.