UDC 343.851.5


Urmatbekova B. U.
Adjunct of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic named after E.A. Aliyev (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)


This article is devoted to the problems of juvenile delinquency. As you know, juvenile delinquency is one of the most important problems of society, which must not only be comprehensively investigated. The dynamic change in socio-economic relations taking place in our country as a result of the reorientation of social values has exposed a number of complex problems. One of them is the increase in the number of illegal acts committed by minors. In the modern period, the vast majority of crimes among minors are committed for selfish purposes. A significant factor in the growth of acquisitive juvenile delinquency at the present time is a sharp deterioration in the economic situation in the country, a drop in the living standards of most families and the ensuing impossibility for many juveniles to legally satisfy their material needs. The deformation of the personality of a juvenile offender is currently insufficiently studied in many aspects: from the point of view of its content, structural features, prerequisites at various levels of organization of behavior, intra-group differentiation and age genesis, which is the reason for the relevance of this article.


Children’s crime; analysis; grade; children; minors; specific gravity; dynamics; structure; juvenile offenders.