UDC 657.633.5


Ashymova A. S.
Postgraduate student of the International University named after K.Sh. Toktomamatov, Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyz Republic
Zhoroeva A. M.
Candidate of Economics, Acting Associate Professor of the International University named after K.Sh. Toktomamatov, Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyz Republic


This article includes questions of the current practice of organizing internal control of the innovative activities of economic entities. . One of the objectives of our study in the context of writing this article is to identify the relationship, interdependence, consistency of data of various kinds of documents, which are the basis for organizing documentary control. As the final stage in the development of the organization of this aspect of the methodology, we consider it necessary to determine the sources of information for solving the problems of controlling each segment of innovation activity. We also consider it important not only to consider the composition of the information base, but also to determine the role of each of its elements in the implementation of documentary control; develop recommendations for improving individual reporting forms in order to increase their control capabilities over the state of innovation


innovation, investment, assets, sources of asset formation, internal control, audit, accounting, reporting, evaluation, methods, techniques, external control, information, analysis, financial condition, profit, income.