UDC 351.713


Tsirikhova A. R.
2-nd year student, Faculty of Economics and Management, North Ossetian State university. K.L. Khetagurova


Personal property tax is closely related to other taxes, and the payment of property tax may entitle the taxpayer to a deduction for income tax purposes. Such an approach, in particular, is envisaged in Denmark. In the Netherlands, property tax can be the basis of deductions for personal income tax purposes if the property is used for commercial purposes.
Thus, in order for the property of individuals to be taxed as efficiently as possible, when developing the concept of a new real estate tax, it is necessary to take into account those nuances that are successfully applied in the legislation of various states, provided that they can be applied in the Russian legal system. You can learn from the experience of the UK in terms of taxing the property of tenants and owners. Attracts the experience of German taxation, in terms of objects of taxation of precious metals and stones. In Switzerland, for example, fixed and variable rates are applied, which can also be used on the territory of the Russian Federation. We consider it right to introduce into the Russian tax practice the provision of benefits depending on the marital status of the taxpayer.


foreign experience, taxation, property of individuals.