UDC 330.3


Pudlin A.K.
Master in History of Political and Legal Doctrines, University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSUA), Moscow, Russia


Russia is one of the states that are characterized by the main types of migration problems. For Russia, growing migration is fraught with many unresolved problems. The migration situation is characterized by a fairly large influx of migrants, among which a certain proportion are refugees and internally displaced persons. Recently, our new fellow citizens, whom the state is trying to relocate away from hostilities. There is a problem of their social adaptation and employment. At the same time, the issues of access to the country for unwanted and illegal migrants, “brain drain” and a number of problems of internal and external migration are quite acute.


internal and external migration, leveling of social stratification of society, global economy, disproportion in demographic development, movement of capital across the borders of different states of the world, liberalization of migration regimes.