UDC 341.655


Agarunov A. A.
Kutafin University (MSLA), Moscow, Russia
Hasanov R. R.
Kutafin University (MSLA), Moscow, Russia


The authors of the article attempt to understand why the Russian economy was vulnerable to sanctions. The main reason, according to the authors, is that the Russian Federation is heavily dependent on imports of foreign goods. Moreover, the main revenue part of the state budget of our country is the export of natural products, and in case of problems with its transportation, there are “holes” in the treasury, which is happening now. Fortunately, the State is currently taking the necessary measures to resolve the issue of stabilizing the current situation.


onslaught and pressure from Western states, a powerful blow not only to the Russian economy, the disastrous effect of sanctions, vulnerable situation, insufficient development of the transport system, export of natural products.