UDC 330


Berkaeva V. K.
Kumalagov V. A.
FGBOU HE “North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov”, Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation


The transformation of the labor market in connection with the digitalization of the economic system plays a very important role at the current level of economic development and is considered by many both domestic and foreign scientists and experts. The significance of innovative technologies is considered by both domestic and foreign economists, who highlight their influence on all spheres of society. There is a process of the fastest possible spread of digital technologies, services, and online platforms for labor relations, which changes the previously formed traditional type of society. All this, in turn, is accompanied by an increase in labor productivity indicators, an increase in wages in certain professions, and an improvement in the well-being of society.


ICT, trends, digitalization, digital economy, labor market, robotics, industry 4.0, information technology.