UDC 33


Ermatov K. B.
Postgraduate Student of the Higher School of Economics, Kyrgyz National University named after Zh. Balasagyn, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic


This article is devoted to the issues of assessing the organizational and economic foundations for the development of the construction industry of Kyrgyzstan in modern conditions. Changes in property relations and structural reform of the construction complex of the Kyrgyz Republic have given rise to new forms of management, which have a decisive impact on the management system. Business efficiency largely depends on the level of organization of enterprise management and the efficiency of decision-making. The ongoing transformations associated with the formation of market relations are updating the issues of reforming the information support system for management decision- making processes, as well as improving methods, tools and management systems for construction enterprises. To increase the efficiency of economic activity of construction enterprises, it is imperative to use more advanced analytical tools in the development and adoption of management decisions at all intra-farm hierarchical levels. Available analytical tools put forward strict requirements for a new quality of accounting and information support.


economics, analysis, assessment, management, construction, implementation, capital investments, research, processes, system.