UDC 001; 336


Ikaev A. E.
4th Year Student of the Faculty of Economics and Management, North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov, Vladikavkaz, Russia


The article discusses various sources of funding for science. Abroad, the state also plays a big role, especially in supporting basic science and exploratory research, but on average, more than half of the funding is provided by private business, and it also determines what it invests in, with whom and how to build partnerships. Many tools were borrowed from abroad: tech platforms and clusters are primarily European experience, special economic zones were borrowed from China, scientific funds were created taking into account the American and German experience. The Foundation for the Promotion of Innovation is the experience of the American SBIR program and the French ANVAR. The instruments, it would seem, are similar to their foreign counterparts, but the effect of them is different. Conferences, internships, grants.


finance, science, “green technologies”, big business, small business.