UDC 331.5
DOI: 10.36871/u.i.k.2024.03.03.009


Svetlana V. Chernova,
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Scientific supervisor:
Tamara P. Gorelova – Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Marketing and Sports Business Department


The problem of choosing a profession is relevant at this moment, since modern young people often have little idea what profession suits them and who they want to work with. It is thanks to digitalization that career guidance has become more accessible to schoolchildren. Previously, career guidance in schools was conditional: students were introduced to professions only at the theoretical level. With the advent of various digital platforms and the Internet, career guidance has become real for any student, and schools and universities often resort to such gadgets. Thanks to modern services, students can study in detail the aspects of certain professions and make a choice regarding their future.


career guidance, digitalization, digital career guidance platform, profession definition.