UDC 631.147
DOI: 10.36871/u.i.k.2024.04.01.004


Aizhamal Bolush,
K. S. International UniversityToktomamatov, Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyz Republic


The article examines agriculture and the processing industry, including the path from the place of production of agricultural raw materials to the consumer of products. One of the basic conditions for overcoming the conse quences of the transformational downturn, implementing a strategy of structural reforms in the agro-industrial complex and improving problematic (financially difficult in terms of solvency) enterprises is the introduction of a new mechanism for the modernization of the agricultural sector, focused on acquiring a new quality reproduction structure - a radical renewal of the technical and technological system of production.


agriculture, processing industry, efficiency of agricultural production, ecology, innovation, investment.