UDC 332.1
DOI: 10.36871/u.i.k.2024.04.01.005


E. G. Borodina
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Moscow, Russia
Scientific supervisor:
Lela V. Chkhutiashvili – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Economics, O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MGUA)


The article reveals the issues of scientific and technical potential of the enterprise as the basis for successful industrial development, renewal of scientific and technological life and improvement of production efficiency. Achievements of scientific and technological progress (STP) play a huge role in production processes, increasing efficiency and increasing the positive result relative to the costs associated with the introduction of STP, which, within the company’s indicators, allows it to reach a new level of production, compete in the market of innovations and know-how, and increase profitability. Knowledge-intensive processes and technologies traditionally contribute to the sustainable economic growth of the state and the improvement of the standard of living of the population.


scientific and technical potential, enterprise, industrial development, renewal, improvement, efficiency, production, economic growth, state, standard of living.