UDC 316.4
DOI: 10.36871/u.i.k.2024.04.01.008


Anna N. Kiselyova,
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Moscow, Russia
Scientific supervisor:
Lela V. Chkhutiashvili – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Economics, O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MGUA)


The article is devoted to the consideration of the issue of educated specialists as the basis of modern socio-economic development of the country in the XXI century. They ensure competitiveness in the international arena and contribute to economic growth within the country. Educated specialists are the main wealth of the country, and the state’s investment in education is a significant investment in its own development.


education, socially significant benefit, factor, the power of the state, qualified personnel, professional development, investment.