UDC 331.104.2


I. A. Baev,
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Finance, Monetary Circulation and Credit, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Yu.N. Startsev,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Chelyabinsk State University ", Chelyabinsk, Russia


The aim of the work is to overcome the emerging very one-sided interpretation of the expected results of the fourth industrial revolution and the digital economy.
Materials and methods. The definitions of the basic concepts used in modern scientific research and regulatory documents are analyzed: digital economy, end-to-end digital technologies, digital platform, technological platform.
Result. The network organization of production processes carried out by personnel with the necessary network competencies (the ability to organize and maintain effective horizontal connections) is already effective and promising itself, and the addition of digital technologies significantly increases its efficiency due to: 1) increasing the efficiency of communications between network participants; 2) improving the conditions for communicative creativity ("work as a dialogue"); 3) removal of space-time limitations of the production process based on minimizing transaction costs.
Conclusion. The research results can be used to develop network competencies of personnel and increase the efficiency of an industrial enterprise.


fourth industrial revolution, digital economy, convergence of physical, biological and digital, digital, network and humanitarian technologies in production.