UDC 338.5


V. M. Zotov,
Deputy General Director of VPK Consulting LLC, Moscow, Russia


Objective. In market economic conditions, the organizational structure of an economic entity plays a key role in ensuring competitive advantages. Using the same factors of production as other market participants, a well-designed and well-balanced organizational structure of an enterprise (corporation, holding) allows it to produce marketable products faster, better, and more efficiently.
Materials and methods. Based on the main provisions of the systemic economic theory, the article provides a general statement of the problem of determining the structural balance of an economic entity in the field of innovation management, considers possible methodological approaches to its solution and demonstrates the practical suitability of the proposed methods using the example of a high-tech holding. Due to the specificity and high sensitivity of the chosen experimental site, the digital material used was subjected to purposeful change without distorting the general semantic content.
Result. The approach considered in this article to determining the systemic balance of an economic entity in the field of innovation management makes it possible to purposefully use the flexibility of its organizational structure, which is of great corporate value.
Conclusion. The formation and development of systems economic theory opens up great prospects for engineering the study of real economic systems.


economic entity, organizational structure, types of economic systems, tetrad, systemic balance.