UDC 330.341


I. V. Panshin,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Research Activities Department, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia
O.B. Yares,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Commerce and Hospitality, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia


The purpose of the work is to identify and substantiate the use of compensation tools for resource substitution in the two-factor system “labor resources - innovation”. The choice of the labor resource as a substituted one is due to the growing shortage of qualified personnel in the Russian Federation necessary to ensure the acceleration of economic growth.
Materials and methods. Methods of statistical analysis and resource substitution tools are considered and used as a methodological toolkit.
Result. It has been substantiated that the most promising compensatory tool for resource substitution in the “labor resources - innovations” pair, providing an increase in labor productivity, is an increase in the level of innovative competencies of industrial and production personnel, which determines the growth of specific intensity and productivity of labor activity.
Conclusion. The formation and development of innovative competencies by the system of higher and additional professional education is one of the most demanded tools for resource substitution in the pair “labor resources - innovation”. Its use will make it possible to bring the available labor resources into a state of readiness to modernize production and introduce innovative technologies necessary for the production of innovative products.


resource substitution, innovation, labor resources.